
 There's something in the road. 路中间有障碍

Rough day? 今天过得不好吧
Don't feel like talking. 我不想说话
Come on. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone when you don't give a crap what they think. 别这样 有时候跟一个你不在乎他看法的人说说会更容易
You ever walk into a situation where you know exactly what's going to happen? 你是否遇到过这种情形你明明知道未来会发生什么
And then you go into it anyway... 却还是卷入其中...
and then when what you're afraid of happens... 而当你不愿看到的事情发生时...
you kick yourself because you should have known better. 你责备自己因为你本不该这么做
But that's just who you are 但你就是这么傻
so you keep punishing yourself. 所以你不断地惩罚自己
No. 没有过
How do you do that? 你是怎么做到的
By never doing what's expected. 从来不循规蹈矩
It keeps life interesting. 让生活保持新鲜感
Can I buy you a drink? 我能请你喝一杯吗