
 I don't have any money to pay you.  我没有钱来回报你

I can think of another way.  你可以用别的方式报答我
You just feed me whatever you can spare,  你有什么剩饭剩菜给我点
and I'll find a way to be your benefactor.  我会想办法帮助你
Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own homes.  每个人都应该在自己家里有安全感
That's why Sidney Glass is my choice for post of sheriff.  所以我才指派西德尼·格拉斯为新任警长
This man has put the needs of Storybrooke above his own for as long as any of us can remember,  他作为童话镇《每日镜报》的主编自始至终
as chief editor of the Storybrooke "Daily Mirror."  都把童话镇的利益放在第一位
Please welcome  现在请欢迎
your new sheriff.  我们的新警长
Hang on a second.  等等
Oh, Ms. Swan, this is not appropriate.  斯旺女士  这可不合时宜
The only thing not appropriate is this ceremony.  这个仪式才不合时宜
She does not have the power to appoint him.  她无权任命警长
The Town Charter clearly states "The Mayor shall appoint"  本镇法律明文规定  镇长有权提名
A candidate. You can appoint a candidate.  候选人  你只可以提名候选人
It calls for an election.  然后由大家投票决定
The term "candidate" is applied loosely.  关于候选人这一项  执行起来是很宽松的
No, it's not. It requires a vote.  不  执行起来很严格  要进行选举
And guess what, Madam Mayor I'm running.  镇长女士  我要参加竞选
Fine. So is Sidney.  很好  西德尼也会参加
I am?  我参加吗
I am.  我参加
With my full support.  并有我全力支持
I'll guess we'll learn a little something about the will of the people.  这么看来  我们很快就能对 民心所向略知一二
I guess we will.  我看也是
Another day gone.  又过了一天
There'll be no fleeing now.  现在逃不掉了
No.  是的
You need to find another way.  你需要另想办法
You need to choose a different path.  你需要另选出路
Choose?  选择
What choice do I have?  我哪有什么选择
Everyone has a choice.  人人都有选择
I'm the town...coward.  我是镇上的懦夫
The only choice I have...  我唯一能选的
is which corner to hide in.  就是何处可以藏身
I'm lame...  我腿瘸
friendless...  又没有朋友
The only thing I've got is my boy...  我只有儿子和我相依为命
And they're gonna take him away from me.  他们还要把他从我身边抢走
If they take him away, I will truly...  如果他们把他从我身边带走
truly become dust.  我就真的没有活着的意义了
Not if you have power.  如果你有力量就可以改变这些
You may as well say diamonds.  你怎么不说用钻石可以改变一切呢
Get a hold of yourself.  振作点
Think.  仔细想想
Why do you think that someone as powerful as the dark one  你觉得为什么像黑暗者这么强大的人
would work for a useless fool like the Duke of the Frontlands?  会给方特兰公爵这种鼠辈效力
Tell me.  为什么
The Duke has the dark one in thrall.  黑暗者受到了公爵的束缚
He's enslaved him with the power of a mystical dagger.  他用一把神秘匕首的力量奴役了他
And on the blade is written a name 匕首刃上有一个名字