
 Hey, kid.  小子

Nice to see you, too.  我也很高兴见到你
The storm!  可恶的风暴
It's okay. We can fix it. I'll talk to Marco.  没事  可以修好  我去找马可
Do you think it's still here?  你说它还在吗  
What are you looking for?  你在找什么
My book. Why'd you bury it here?  我的童话书  为什么埋在这里
So my mom doesn't find it.  这样我妈就不会找到了
Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough?  藏在你的床垫下面不好吗
That's the first place the evil queen would look.  那是巫后第一个要找的地方
How about leaving it with me?  放在我这里呢
That's the second place.  那是她第二个要找的地方
It's still here. Good.  还在 太好了
So your mom doesn't know about the castle?  你妈妈还不知道这城堡吗
No. This is our secret.  没错  这是我俩的秘密
Henry?  Henry.  亨利 亨利
I've been looking everywhere for you.  我到处在找你
You know you have a session with archie this morning.  你今天上午得去找阿奇做心理辅导
I should've known he was with you.  我早该猜到他和你在一起
Henry, car. Now.  亨利  赶紧上车
You let him play here?  你让他在这里玩吗
The storm hit it hard, but we can fix it.  风暴把小屋给弄坏了 不过我们可以修好
Well, can you fix a cracked cranium?  要是脑袋砸坏了 你也能治好吗
Cause that's what you'll have on your hands if one of these boards collapses under his weight.  如果哪块木板承受不住他的重量而坍塌 他肯定会摔伤脑袋
You're not thinking about Henry or his safety just ways around me.  你一点都不担心亨利和他的安全 就知道找我的茬
Ms. Swan, don't let your feelings cloud your judgment.  斯旺小姐  请不要感情用事
People can get hurt.  会有人受到伤害的
What's that supposed to mean?  这话什么意思
You're the sheriff now.  你现在是警长了
It's time to be responsible.  你得负起责任来
Don't let my feelings cloud my judgment?  让我不要感情用事
That's all Regina ever does.  瑞金娜在说她自己吗
She's just upset because you and Henry have a special place and she...  她只是生气 你和亨利有个秘密基地  可她...
she doesn't.  她没有
How'd she find out about the castle in the first place?  她是怎么知道那座城堡的
She knows everything about this town. She's the Mayor.  她对镇上的事了如指掌  人家可是镇长
Everything okay?  没事吧
Yeah, I just need to go.  嗯  我得走了
Look, if it makes you feel any better,  如果这么说让你好受些的话
I think you're right.  我觉得你是对的
I see the effect she has on Henry.  我看到了她对亨利的影响
I wish everyone else did, too.  要是所有人都看到该多好
I can grant your wish.  我可以满足你的愿望
Oh, Sidney.  西德尼啊
You want a side of bacon with that whiskey?  你要吃片培根下酒吗
You want to show this town who the Mayor really is? I can help.  你想让镇上的人都看到镇长的真面目吗 我可以帮你
It's gonna be kinda hard to do from inside her pocket.  你是她的人  怎么可能帮我
The Mayor and I are done.  我和镇长闹掰了
Sure you are. She got me fired from the paper.  看得出来  她让报社炒了我
She made a fool of me in the election.  她让我在警长选举上出洋相
So I started working on an expose on the mayor's office,  所以我开始揭露镇长办公室的秘密
and I found something she didn't want found.  发现了她不想公诸于世的秘密
Sidney, you're drunk.  西德尼  你醉了
Go home. Sleep it off.  回家睡一觉吧
Be grateful you don't have to answer to her anymore.  好好感谢上苍吧  你不用听她差遣了
Call me.  给我打电话
Storybrooke deserves to know the truth about her.  童话镇的人民有权知道她的真面目