
 Be grateful I'm offering you an escape. 你该感激我还放你一条生路

Now flee the kingdom and never turn back. 现在逃离这个国家 再也别回来了
I can't live without you. 没有你我活不下去
I won't live without you. 没有你我也不愿活下去
Did you not understand me? 你听不懂我说的话吗
I don't love you. 我不爱你
There is no way we will ever be together. 我们永远都不可能在一起
There is one way. 有一个办法
There is still one wish remaining. 还剩下一个愿望
I wish... to be with you forever 我希望 永远与你在一起
to look upon your face always 一直看着你的脸庞
to never leave your side. 再也不离开你身边
No!  不
It looks like you got your wish. 看来你的愿望实现了
You will be with me... forever. 你将与我在一起 永永远远