美国小学英语教材5:第141课 纽伦堡火炉(17)(在线收听

 “You will give to this boy’s father the two thousand gold ducats that you received, less the two hundred florins that you paid him,” said the king. “你要把你所得的二千达克特,减去你付给这孩子父亲的二百弗罗林,都给他,”国王说道。

“Be thankful you are not more greatly punished.” “感谢你没有受到更大的惩罚。”
August heard, and felt dazed. 奥古斯特听到了,感到很茫然。
Two thousand gold ducats for his father! 给他父亲两千达克特!
Why, his father would never need to go any more to the salt-works! 唉,他父亲再也不用到盐厂去了!
And yet, whether for ducats or for florins, Hirschvogel was sold just the same; 然而,无论是杜卡特还是弗洛林,赫施沃格尔都被卖掉了;
and would the king let him stay with it?—Would he? 国王会让他和赫施沃格尔待在一起吗?会吗?
The king looked down on the child, and as he did so, smiled once more. 国王低头看着孩子,当他这样做的时候,又一次笑了。
“Will I let you stay with your Hirschvogel? Yes, I will; “我能让你和你的赫施沃格尔呆在一起吗?对,我会这么做;
you shall stay at my court, and you shall be taught to be an artist, and you must win all the prizes at our schools of art. 你将留在我的宫廷里,你将被教导成为一名艺术家,你必须赢得我们艺术学校的所有奖项。
If, when you are twentyone years old, you have done well, I will give you your porcelain stove again. 如果,当你二十一岁的时候,你做得很好,我将再给你火炉。
You shall light a fire every morning in Hirschvogel, but you will not need to go out and cut the wood.” 你每天早晨要为赫施沃格尔生火,但你不需要出去砍柴。”
The king smiled and stretched out his hand. 国王微笑着伸出手来。
August was so happy that he dropped to his knees and kissed the king’s feet. 奥古斯特非常高兴,他跪下来亲吻国王的脚。
Then he fainted away from hunger. 然后他饿昏了过去。