
 So I've had a couple of months to look around, you know. 我花了几个月的时间到处看

And, uh, upstairs, there's, uh, clothing, small, as if for a child? 楼上  有...衣服  很小的衣服  那是给...小孩的吗
Was it yours or... Or was there a son? 那是你的...还是你有过儿子
There was. 是的
There was a son. 我有过一个儿子
I lost him... As I did his mother. 但我失去了他  就像我失去他妈妈一样
I'm... I'm sorry. 我...抱歉
So you were a man once. 所以...你也曾是个人
An ordinary man. 一个普通人
If I'm never going to know another person in my whole life, can't I at least know you? 若我今生无法了解别人  可以至少让我了解你吗
Perhaps... perhaps you just want to learn the monster's weaknesses. 也许...也许你只是想知道怪物的弱点吧
You're not a monster. 你不是怪物
You think you're uglier than you are. That's why you cover all the mirrors up, isn't it? 你把自己想得太丑陋了   所以你才把镜子都遮起来  对吗
I am sir Gaston, and you, beast, have taken 我是加斯顿大人  而你  野兽  抢走了...
Who was that? 是谁啊
Just an old woman selling flowers.  只是个卖花的老人