
 Come on. Get out of here. 别烦我  滚开

You must be James. 你一定是詹姆斯
You can talk? 你会说话
Yeah, and you can listen. Name's Jiminy. 对  你能听到  我叫杰米尼
When Snow began acting differently, her friends the Dwarves asked me to intervene, 白雪举止反常的时候 她的小矮人朋友求我插手
But I'm-I'm-I'm afraid II wasn't much help. 但我恐怕没能帮上什么忙
I didn't do any better. 我也一样
Can you get me out of here? I have to stop her. 你能给我松绑吗  我得阻止她
Well, I'll try. 我试试吧
What's your plan? 你有什么打算
I don't know.I tried everything to make her remember who I am, but nothing worked. 我不知道  我想尽办法让她记起我是谁 但都失败了
Give that a try.It sounds like you're approaching this the wrong way, 试试吧  貌似你的方法不对
how can she remember who you are when she's lost sight of who she is? 她都不知道自己是谁怎么可能记起你是谁
Clear the road! Bow your heads before the Queen! 让路  向皇后致意
What do you think you're doing?! Why would you do this?! 你这是要干什么  你为什么要这么做
Well, because... You said you appreciate... action more than words. 因为...你说比起巧言令色  你更欣赏实际行动
So now... You're gonna get both. 所以现在... 我说了  也做了