
 Mary Margaret. David. Emma said we could have a few minutes alone. 玛丽·玛格丽特  戴维  艾玛说我们可以单独待会儿

I wanted to tell you that Dr. Hopper helped me remember what happened during my blackouts. 我想要告诉你  和普医生帮我记起了昏迷时到底发生了什么
And? I only, um... Got pieces of the memory, but...We were in the woods, and I kept saying, "Don't do it." 你记起了什么  我只有...一些零碎的记忆  但是...  当时我们在森林里 我一直在说  "不要啊"
Don't do what? 不要什么
"Don't kill her."That's what I kept saying. "不要杀她"  我一直重复这句话
Kathryn? You think you remember me wanting to kill Kathryn? 凯思琳 你认为你回忆起我想杀凯思琳
Can you explain why I have that memory? 你能不能解释下为什么我有这样的记忆
David... Are you asking me if I had something to do with Kathryn's murder? 戴维 你是在问我是否跟凯思琳被杀有关吗
The sheriff found a heart in our spot. It was in your jewelry box. 警长在我们的"老地方"找到了一颗心脏  就装在你的首饰盒里
The weapon was found in your apartment. I have have these... these memories. So, yes, I'm asking. 又在你的公寓里找到了凶器  而我又有着这样的记忆  所以  是的  我是在问你
When your phone records came back,when I found you wandering in the woods, 即使你的电话记录曝光  即使我发现你在森林中游荡
when everyone thought you killed Kathryn, 即使人人都认为是你杀了凯思琳
I stood by you. I never once doubted you.  我还是相信你  从没怀疑过你