
 I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing. 我得在别人发现她逃跑前找到她

Oh, you mean Regina? 你是说瑞金娜
The arraignment's at 8 a.m. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory. 传讯是早上八点  她肯定会早早赶来庆贺她奸计得逞
You have until 8 a.m. then. 那你得赶在八点前找到她
Uh, what about me? How can I help? Go home. 我呢  我能帮什么忙  回家
Emma. If she leaves Storybrooke. 艾玛 如果她离开童话镇   
Not now, Henry. Come on. 现在不是说这个的时候  快走
Ms. Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Ms. Blanchard doesn't return, her future's in jeopardy,  斯旺小姐  我知道时间紧迫 可如果布兰切特女士不能按时回来 她将前途堪忧 
and if you're caught helping her, so is yours. 如果有人发现你帮过她   你也会受牵连
I don't care.I'd rather lose my job than my friend. 我不在乎  我宁可丢掉工作也不能失去朋友
I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't see you there.   太抱歉了  你没事吧  我刚刚没看见你  
Uh, II think so. 应该没事
Are you sure? 确定吗
I'm fine. I'm not used to sharing the road with cars so late. You're the sheriff, aren't you? 我没事  通常这么晚路上都没有车  你不是警长吗
Yeah. What brings you out here in the middle of the night? 正是  你这么晚了出来干什么
Oh, nothing to worry about.I'm just looking for a lost dog. 没什么大不了的事  就是来找一只走失的狗
Well, I hope you find it. 希望你能找到它
Thank you. 谢谢