
 I don't know what you think you're doing, but if you hurt my friend, I swear I'll make you regret it. 我不知道你要做什么 但如果你敢伤害我朋友  我一定让你后悔

Hurt her? I'm saving her life. 伤害她 我这是在救她
How do you figure that? 为什么这么说
Don't play stupid.We both know what happens when people try to leave Storybrooke. 别装傻 我们都清楚想要离开童话镇的人会有什么下场
What are you talking about?  The curse. 你在说什么  那个诅咒
What curse? 什么诅咒
The one keeping us all trapped. All except you. 那个把我们所有人囚禁于此的诅咒 除了你
Have you been reading Henry's book? 你是不是读过亨利的书
Henry? You mean the Queen's father? 亨利 你是说巫后的父亲吗
Henry, the mayor's adopted kid. 亨利啊  镇长的养子
Oh, Henry. Your Henry. And his book of stories, the ones that you choose to ignore. 对  亨利  你的儿子 还有他的童话书 里面写着你不肯相信的童话
Maybe if you knew what I know, you wouldn't. 或许如果你知道我所了解的事 你就会相信了
Why have you been spying on me? 为什么监视我
Because for the last twenty-eight years, I've been stuck in this house, day after day, always the same, 因为二十八年来  我一直被困在这栋房子里 日复一日 一成不变
until one night, you, in your little yellow bug, roll into town, and the clock ticks and things start to change. 直至有天晚上 你开着你的黄色甲壳虫  来到镇上 然后钟开始走动  事情开始改变