
 Make one like that. 做个跟它一样的

You want me to make a hat? You don't have enough? 你要我做帽子  你还嫌帽子少吗
Well, none of them work, do they?Or else you wouldn't be here.Now make a hat and get it to work. 可那些不是都没用吗 不然也不用把你请来了 做一顶帽子  并让它显灵
I don't... 我不...
You have magic. You can do it. 你有魔力  你能做到
The hats, the tea... Your psychotic behavior.You think you're the mad hatter. 帽子 茶 你疯疯癫癫的行为 你认为自己是疯帽子先生
My name's Jefferson. 我叫杰弗森
Okay. You've clearly glommed on to my kid Henry's thing.They're just stories. 好吧 显然你完全接受了亨利的理论 那只是童话罢了
The mad hatter is in "Alice in wonderland," a book. A book I actually read.  疯帽子先生是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》里的人 是本书  我读过的书
Stories? What's a story?When you were in high school, did you learn about the Civil War? 童话吗 童话是什么 你上高中的时候  学过南北战争吗
Yeah, of course. 当然
How? Did you read about it, perchance, in a book?How is that any less real than any other book? 怎么学  会不会凑巧是在书上看到的 你怎么知道它就比别的书真实呢
History books are based on history. 历史书是以历史为依据的
And storybooks are based on what, imagination? 那么童话书以什么为依据  想象吗
Where does that come from?It has to come from somewhere.  想象又从哪儿来的 总归有个出处