
You know what the issue is with this world? 你知道这个世界有什么问题吗

Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.Now get it to work. 人人都希望有魔法能解决自己的问题 但却没有人真正相信魔法 现在快让它显灵

Here's the thing, Jefferson, this is it.This is the real world. 问题是  杰弗森 这就是世界 这里是现实世界

A real world.How arrogant are you to think yours is the only one? 这只是一个现实世界 你以为这是唯一的世界吗  真是自大

There are infinite more. You have to open your mind. 还有无数的世界  你得开阔眼界

They touch one another, pressing up in a long line of lands, each just as real as the last. All have their own rules. 它们彼此接壤  数个世界紧密相连 每一个都真实存在  都有自己的规则

Some have magic. Some don't.And some need magic...Like this one.And that's where you come in. 有些具有魔法  有些没有 有些需要魔法 比如这个世界 这就是需要你出手的地方

You and your friend are not leaving here until you make my hat.Until you get it to work. 你和你的朋友要一直待在这儿 直到你完成了我的帽子 直到你能让它显灵

And then what? 然后呢

Then I go home.  然后我会回家
