英语听力精选进阶版 13845(在线收听

BBC Learning English 

Words in the News  

25 April 2012 

Football crosses ocean 


This is a well-travelled football! 

Identified thanks to the names written on it, the ball was set adrift by the tsunami that 

hit Japan over a year ago. It was washed ashore in Alaska! 

Its proud owner is Misaki Murakami: he received this treasured possession from his 

schoolmates when he got transferred to another school. The teenager became a 

minor celebrity after it was located. 



(someone or something) that has been to lots of places 

set adrift  

carried away by the sea with no specific direction 

washed ashore  

brought to the coast by the sea 


someone's belonging  


found somewhere  


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from 

BBC news reports.  

Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence 


well-travelled / set adrift / washed ashore / possession / located 

1.  By the end of the morning, dozens of boxes have ___________, and 

fishermen run around trying to gather as many as possible. 

2.  The explorer who ________ the wreck of the Titanic nearly 30 years ago 

says more needs to be done to protect it from damage. 

3.  Last month around a thousand Rohingyas were towed out to sea and 

_______ by the Thai military, said survivors who reached India and Indonesia. 

4.  Seventy-year-old Mohammed Islamta arranges his few meagre __________ 

carefully in the dust: a mat, a cooking pot and traditional Tuareg tea-pot and 

stove, the only things he managed to bring as he fled his home near Menaka in 

Mali just over a month ago. 

5.  They are ________ - in reality as well as in cyberspace - and are familiar 

with different societies and different ways of doing politics. 


1. By the end of the morning, dozens of boxes have washed ashore, and 

fishermen run around trying to gather as many as possible. 

Source:  Ecuador film shows growing reach of drugs trade 

2.  The explorer who located the wreck of the Titanic nearly 30 years ago says 

more needs to be done to protect it from damage.   

Source:  Titanic anniversary: Explorer wants more preservation 

3.  Last month around a thousand Rohingyas were towed out to sea and set 

adrift by the Thai military, said survivors who reached India and Indonesia. 

Source:  UN awaits Thai reply on migrants 

4. Seventy-year-old Mohammed Islamta arranges his few meagre possessions 

carefully in the dust: a mat, a cooking pot and traditional Tuareg tea-pot and 

stove, the only things he managed to bring as he fled his home near Menaka in 

Mali just over a month ago. 

Source:  Tuareg rebels make troubled return from Libya to Mali 

5. They are well-travelled - in reality as well as in cyberspace - and are familiar 

with different societies and different ways of doing politics. 

Source:  Italians find voice and punish Silvio Berlusconi 
