
 If I tell you, will you let me go home to my daughter? 如果我告诉了你 你能否让我回家与女儿团聚

Off with his head. 砍下他的头
I'm alive?I'm alive! 我还活着 我还活着
If you wish your body back, then answer.How did you get here? 若你不想再这样身首异处 就回答问题 你是怎么到这来的
The-the-the hat. My hat.We used my hat. 那顶帽子  我的帽子 我们通过帽子来的
Where's the hat now? 那顶帽子现在在哪
She took it. Regina. 被她拿走了 瑞金娜拿走了
If all you require to travel to your homeland is this magic hat, then surely, you could make another. 如果你返回家园所需的仅是这顶魔帽 那么你肯定能另做一顶
I can't.A hat without magic is just a hat.It won't work. 我不能 未施魔法的帽子就是普通的帽子 不能显灵
Then there's your task.Get it to work.  那么这就是你的任务 让它显灵