
 I can't make it work.What you're asking me is impossible. 我没法让它显灵 你的要求是不可能实现的

No! It has to be.If it's not, I'm never going home.I'll be cursed to live in this house forever. 不  一定得实现 否则我就回不了家了 我就会不幸地永远困在这房子里
What is so cursed about your life?Look at this place. It's beautiful.It doesn't seem cursed to me. 你的生活怎么不幸了 瞧瞧这房子  多漂亮 依我看是没什么不幸的
It's cursed because like everyone else here,what I love has been ripped from me. 我不幸  因为像这里其他人一样 我所爱的被夺走了
Take a look.Her name is Grace.Here it's Paige.But it's Grace.My Grace. 看看吧 她叫格蕾丝 在这里她叫佩奇 但她就是格蕾丝 我的格蕾丝
Do you have any idea what it's like to watch her day in and day out, happy, with a new family, with a new father? 你知道天天注视着她看着她很开心有了个新家 跟新爸爸住在一起 对我来说是什么感觉吗
You think she's your daughter? 你认为她是你女儿
I don't think. I know. I remember. 不是认为 我知道 我都记得
She has no idea who I am, our life together, where we come from. 她不记得我是谁 不记得我们在一起的时光 也不知道我们来自何方
I do. That's my curse. 但是我记得 这就是我的不幸
To remember.  记得过去