
 Just know something. Running ain't easy. I've done my share of it.And once you go, there's no stopping. 但你得知道 逃跑并非易事  我也逃过 一旦你离开  就没有回头路了

Emma, everyone thinks I killed Kathryn. 艾玛  所有人都认为我杀了凯思琳
Mary Margaret, you have to believe me.You have to trust me. 玛丽·玛格丽特  你必须相信我 你要信任我
I know it seems impossible, but I can get you out of this. 我知道希望渺茫  但我能洗脱你的罪名
Why is it so important to you what happens to me? 你干嘛这么在意我的处境
Because when Regina framed me, and you bailed me out,I asked you why, and you said you trusted me. 因为瑞金娜陷害我时  是你为我保释 我问你为什么  你说你相信我
And then when I wanted to leave Storybrooke'cause I thought it was best for Henry, 还有当我决定离开童话镇因为我觉得那样对亨利最好时
you told me I needed to stay because that was the best for him. 是你劝我留下 因为这样才对他最好
And I realized, all my life, I have been alone.Walls up. 我意识到我一生都独自一人 从不与人交心
Nobody's ever been there for me except for you.And I can't lose that. I cannot lose my family. 除了你  从没有人为我挺身而出 我不能失去你  不能失去我的家人
Family? 家人
Friends. Whatever. You know what I mean.Wouldn't you rather face this together than alone? 朋友 随便怎么说啦 你知道我的意思 比起独自面对  你不想一起努力一下吗
The arraignment. Regina. 你的传讯 瑞金娜