
 Here you go.Thank you. Thank you. 给 谢谢你  谢谢

How bad was it? 到底有多糟
Getting caught in his office?Not bad. I played it off. 在他的办公室里被抓个正着 还好  被我蒙混过关了
What were you looking for? Did you find it? 你在找什么  找到了吗
Nope. But I have a feeling it's gonna find me.There she is. Why don't you give her your present? 还没  但是我觉得那东西会自己送上门 她在那儿 干嘛还不把礼物给她
Hey. I have something for you. 我有礼物要送给你
Well, thank you."We're so glad you didn't kill Mrs. Nolan." 谢谢你 "我们非常高兴你没有杀死诺兰太太"
It's from the whole class.And I got you a bell. 全班同学一起制作的这个 我单独送给你一个铃铛
Thank you. Tell everyone I'll be back soon.Okay. 谢谢  告诉其他同学我很快就会回去上课 好的
Henry, we should get you home before your mom finds out.That won't be pretty. 亨利 我们得送你回家 以免你妈发现 否则就麻烦了
Hey. Henry.Leaving already? 你好啊 亨利 要走了啊
Yeah.Gotta get home and do homework. 是啊 我得回家做作业去
She's kinda tired.I think if you just give it some time.I just wanted to... 她现在很累 你得给她点时间  我只想
Hey, Henry, why don't you head home with David? Okay.Sorry.Okay. 亨利  你跟戴维一起回家吧 好 抱歉 好吧
Hard to let him go, isn't it? Your son. 很难放下他  是吧 你儿子
Yeah. Pretty much the hardest thing.  没错 这是世上最难的事情