
 Mother superior. 院长

Good afternoon.Our rent is paid in full. 下午好 租金已经分文未少地给你了
I'm not here about the rent. 我不是为了租金而来
Well, good day to you then. 那好吧  祝你今天愉快
Tell me that man who just left here...Who did he say he was? What did he want? 告诉我  刚刚离开的那个男人 他是谁 他为什么来这里
I don't have to tell you that. 我没有义务向你报告这些
And I don't have to not double your rent. What did he want? 我也没有义务不涨房租 他为什么来这里
Advice and counsel.He came to town looking for his father after a long separation, and he recently found him. 他需要建议 他是来小镇上寻找失散多年的父亲最近终于找到了
And a happy reunion has already taken place? 父子俩是不是已经幸福团圆了
No. He hasn't spoken to him yet. 不  他还没跟父亲说上话呢
And why not? 为什么
Mm, it was a difficult parting.There are many issues to be resolved between them.I see. 他们分离的时候情况很复杂 导致现在他们之间很多事情剪不断理还乱 我明白了