
 So why bury a useless knife? 那为什么把一把无用的刀埋起来

Oh, I wouldn't say it was useless.It still cuts through flesh rather nicely. 它可不是无用的 它还是能很好地刺穿肉体
It's about time you answering some questions, sunshine. 该你回答问题了  帅哥
Why the theatrics? Why didn't you just come to me? 为什么要演戏  为什么不直接找我
I needed you to work for it. 我需要你努力争取
I needed you to want it so bad you would ignore what your eyes were seeing. 我需要勾起你爱子心切之心这才会忽视了眼前的真相
Do I even look like him at all? 我跟他有半点相像吗
How do you know about this knife? 你怎么知道这把刀的
I hear things. 道听途说
No one here knows about this knife.No one here remembers. 这里没人知道这把刀 这里没人有记忆
And yet you do.You're from there, aren't you? From my world. 而你有 你是从那儿来的 是吗 从我的世界而来
The fact that you're asking the question means you know the answer. 你这么问说明你知道答案
Well, now that that's settled... 既然这事了结了
How about my other question? Who told you about me and the knife? 我还有个问题 谁告诉你我和这刀的事情
A little fairy. 一个小仙女
Why did you want it? If you know who I am, then you know who I am. 你为什么想得到它 如果你知道我是谁  那你就该了解我
The chances of you surviving this little encounter are pretty slim. So why take the risk? 我们狭路相逢  你能活下去的几率非常小 为什么还要冒险
Because I'll die anyway.  因为我反正要死了