
 What? I'm sick. I'm sick, and I need magic. I was gonna get the savior to believe. 什么 我病了 我病了  我需要魔法 我本打算说服救世主相信

But that woman...I don't think I'm gonna make it long enough to see that happen. 但是那个女人 我觉得我是活不到那一天了
She trusts you. It might be enough. Try again. 她信任你  也许就足够了 再试一次
You're gonna let me live? 你要放我一条生路
You're going to die either way. This way, at least I might get something out of it. 反正你也要死的 如果我放了你 至少我可能有所得
Reul Ghorm! Show yourself! How do I follow him? 勒尔·格姆快出现 我怎样才能跟着他
You had the way. You didn't take it. And there are no more magic beans.  你有过这机会 是你没抓住 已经没有魔法豆了