
 Congratulations, Sheriff Swan. There's about to be a big break in your case. 恭喜你  斯旺警长 你的案子将有重大突破

You just got yourself a confession. 有人来主动向你认罪
But I want you to listen to the whole explanation so you understand why this happened. 但是我希望你能听完全部解释 你就会理解前因后果
Oh, I'll hang on every word you say. 我会牢记你说的每个字  
Sidney, you can come in now. Tell her what you told me. 西德尼 你现在可以进来了 把你跟我说的话讲给她听
It was me. I confess. 是我 我坦白
I abducted Kathryn and I held her in the basement of an abandoned summer home by the lake. 我劫持了凯思琳  把她关在湖边一所废弃的避暑别墅的地下室里
I bribed a lab tech to get me the heart from the hospital, and I used that same person to doctor the lab results. 我贿赂实验室的技术员帮我从医院搞来了心脏 然后再借那人之手篡改了实验室报告
And the other thing. 还有一件事
I borrowed some skeleton keys from Regina and... planted the knife in your apartment. 我借了瑞金娜的万能钥匙把刀放进你们公寓
My keys. Can't help but feel personally violated about that part. 我的钥匙 这事真让我不禁觉得受到了侵犯
I am supposed to believe you did this for why now? 凭什么要我相信这些是你做的
I was gonna find her after the conviction, be a hero, then get the inside track on the biggest story to ever hit this town. 拿到本镇最劲爆事件的内幕消息 我本想在定罪后找到她  做个英雄
I'd get my job back. Plus a novel and a movie, and I don't know. It sounds crazy now. 我就能回去工作 还能出小说  拍电影 我也不知道  现在说起来觉得很疯狂
I don't know about crazy, but false, yes, false as hell. 我不知道这算不算疯狂 但绝对是弥天大谎
I have maps to where the house is. 我有去那别墅的地图
You'll find chains in the basement, lots of fingerprints, I'm sure hers and mine.But I didn't hurt her.  你会在地下室里找到锁链 肯定有许多指纹  她的和我的  但是我没伤害她