
 No one...is getting through that. 没人能闯过这道门

When are you installing the torture chamber? 你什么时候再搞个刑讯室
You don't like it? I call it medieval chic. 你们不喜欢吗 我管这个叫中世纪范儿
I don't care what it looks like as long as it keeps Regina and her skeleton keys out. 我不管是什么范儿 能防住瑞金娜和她的万能钥匙就行
You're pretty handy for a writer. Where'd you learn how to do all this? 作为作家 你手太巧了 你从哪学来的这一手
Wood shop. Eighth grade. 木工工厂 八年级的时候
Oh, speaking of school, have to get going. 提到学校 我得赶紧去了
Um, are you sure you're ready to go back? 你确定你准备好回去了吗
After a stint behind bars, how tough can a room full of fourth graders be? 我连监狱都蹲过了 还怕一屋子四年级学生吗
Besides, aren't you the one we need to be worried about? 再说了 我们该担心的人是你吧
Me? Why? You did threaten to take Henry away from Regina. 我 怎么说 你威胁说要把亨利从瑞金娜身边夺走
Oh, that wasn't a threat. 那不是威胁
I'm hiring Mr. Gold to help build a case against her. 我雇了戈登先生准备跟她对薄公堂
She tried to frame you for murder. 她想陷害你谋杀啊
But you do know what happens if you win? Yeah. 但是你知道如果你赢了会怎样吧 我知道
And you're ready? To be his mom? Yeah. 你准备好了吗 做他的母亲 是的
Code red. Code red. 紧急情况 紧急情况
Hey, Henry. What's going on? 亨利 怎么了
Meet me at Granny's. It's an Operation Cobra emergency. 外婆家见 眼镜蛇行动出现紧急情况
I'm on my way.  立刻出发