
 Snow can raise the child without her husband. 白雪可以一个人抚养孩子

Geppetto, think about the example you're setting for Pinocchio. 盖比特  看看你给匹诺曹树了什么坏榜样
You may be a conscience, but you have not earned the right to tell me what to do. 你虽是我们的良知先生 但你没资格对我指手画脚
Please. I'm only trying to help. 别这样 我只是想帮忙
Help? Help, like you "helped" my parents? Your debt to me can never be fulfilled. 就像你当年帮我父母一样吗  你欠我的永远都还不清
But a start would be staying out of this. Understand? Yes. 所以现在这事你别管 听明白了吗  明白了
Good. Hey. Hey. Here. Here, boy. Pinocchio goes through... or no one does. 很好  来  过来 好孩子  匹诺曹也必须过去不然谁都别去
And what will we tell the prince and Snow White? 那我们怎么跟王子和白雪说
You will tell them that the tree contains enough magic to protect only one. 你就告诉他们这棵树的魔法只够保护一个人
Do we have a deal... or no? 你是同意还是不同意
The tree is enchanted. If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse. 这棵树被施了魔法  被做成容器的形状  它就可以抵御任何诅咒
Geppetto, can you build such a thing? 盖比特  你能造出这样的东西吗
Me and my boy we can do it. 我和我的儿子  没问题
This will work. We all must have faith.  这会有用的  我们都要有信心