英语听力精选进阶版 13995(在线收听

BP chief's evidence 'unacceptable'


18 June 2010

A senior American congressman has dismissed the evidence of BP chief executive Tony Hayward as 'unacceptable' and has promised to continue demanding answers in connection with a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


David Willis


Central to Tony Hayward's testimony were two themes: that it would be premature to pre-judge the outcome of investigations into the cause of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig; and that as CEO he wasn't directly involved in decisions relating to construction of the ill-fated oil well, or its safety. But his reticence to be drawn into events leading up to the disaster two months ago led to growing frustration on the part of committee members, one of whom accused him of 'stonewalling'.

After the hearing Democratic Congressman Ed Markey told reporters that 'I don't know' was the answer of someone who'd decided to listen to his lawyers rather than account for what went wrong. The Congressman said he would press BP every single day for answers that the American people deserved.

The oil spill which stemmed from the explosion has now affected more than 80 kilometres of shoreline in the Gulf of Mexico.

David Willis, BBC News, Washington
