英语PK台 第947期:贴心养生小招儿带你清凉惬意度炎夏(在线收听

 Dialogue 1
Jingjing: Mark, you're all sweaty. What happened?
Mark: In case you haven't noticed, it's hot as hell outside.
Jingjing: Um, I went out for a walk after lunch. Actually I just got back. I don't think it was so bad.
Mark: Really? I was walking pretty fast from the subway station, because I was worried about being late to meet you. I guess that's how I broke a sweat.
Jingjing: Well, how about you take a seat and cool down for a minute.
Mark: Yeah, okay. Hey, do you have the A/C on in here?
Jingjing: We do. We're just not cranking it. That's all.
Mark: Oh, I can barely feel it.
Jingjing: That might have something to do with why you feel so overheated now. Did you have the A/C on at home?
Mark: Yes. I left it on overnight. Actually, my house was a brisk before I left. I remembered to shut it off though.
Jingjing: I'm glad you did that, for the environment. But you should really avoid air conditioning. Having it on for a few minutes after an evening shower is enough.
Mark: Huh? What's wrong with running it 24-7, as long as you're in the room?
Jingjing: If you do that, you don't get used to the hot summer temperatures. Then it's a huge shock for you whenever you go outside.
Mark: Yeah, I guess you're right. I really felt like I got blasted with the heat as soon as I stepped out of the door of my building.
Jingjing: That's not good for you. I'll have some more tips for keeping cool in a minute. Let me finish some work. Just relax for a bit.
Mark: Ok. Whew!

New words : 习语短语
hot as hell 极热的,炙热的
very hot (as hot as it is in Hell; but people also say “angry as hell“ and “tired as hell”, things that can't describe a place)
break a sweat 汗流浃背
start sweating heavily
cranking (something) 高量地使用
having something at a high setting (like a car stereo or a heater)
brisk 凉爽的
cool, just a little cooler than people would like, not quite chilly though
24-7 整日整夜
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
blasted 被强有力的东西撞击
hit by something powerful

Dialogue 2
Jingjing: Well, Mark, are you ready to hear some good tips about keeping cool in summertime?
Mark: Yeah. But I'm getting deja vu. Haven't we talked about this before?
Jingjing: We may have. I might have even told you already about using the A/C sparingly.
Mark: Ha ha. I guess I'd better pay attention to what you say this time.
Jingjing: Ok. So, I noticed you had a cold drink with you when you came in. If you want to keep cool, have lukewarm drinks instead.
Mark: That doesn't add up. Cold drinks cool me down. What's the matter with that?
Jingjing: Cold drinks are a shock to your system. Your body has to work to make you warm inside. So, a while after having a cold drink, you feel even hotter than before.
jingjing: 冷饮对你的身体系统是非常大的刺激。你的身体需要做工来保持内脏的温暖。所以,当吃完冷饮后一段时间,你会感觉到比之前更热了。
Mark: Hey, I've noticed that! Great, so what's your next suggestion?
Jingjing: Also about your drink: don't have so much sugar during the summer months. Actually a lot of the food items and drinks we think are satisfying are hard on our bodies. That includes spicy food, heavy meat dishes, and food that is very salty or sweet.
Mark: Oh, there go my plans for the evening. I was going to kick back and enjoy some outdoor barbecue.
Jingjing: Ha ha. Well, feel free to enjoy the outdoor atmosphere. Just don't have too much meat. And, instead of beer or cold soda, have some--
Mark: Please don't say warm water. Please don't say warm water! I'm so tired of hearing that!
Jingjing: Ok then. How about a fresh cucumber? Have you tried that on a hot day or a summer evening?
Mark: Not since I was a kid. That sounds really refreshing. I'm going to go buy a few cucumbers later today, then.
Jingjing: Great. I'm glad I could be a good influence.
Mark: Thanks, Jingjing!

New words : 习语短语
deja vu 似曾相识感
a feeling like something has happened before
use (something) sparingly 谨慎节约地用
use only a little of something
lukewarm 常温的
room temperature, neither hot or cold (especially for water or other drinks)
(something) doesn't add up 这太奇怪了
something can't be understood, doesn't sound like it's right
kick back 休息,休闲
relax, enjoy free time
