
 There will be many temptations in this new world, Pinocchio, but as long as you remain brave, truthful, and unselfish, you will not fail. 匹诺曹 新的世界里会有许多诱惑 只要你一直勇敢 诚实 无私 你就不会失败

Here. Get in. Get in. Get in. You'll find me again. 来 进去 进去 快进去 你会再找到我的
And on that day, I will look at you with pride. You will be a great man, my son. 那一天 我会以你为自豪 你会成为一个杰出的人 我的儿子
What the hell is this? 这是什么鬼地方
Last I checked, it was a diner. 据我观察 这是个餐馆
No more screwing around.I am not a character in one of your books.What the hell are we doing here? 别再胡闹了 我不是你书里的角色 我们在这里干什么
I think you know. You've been here before. 你是明知故问吧 你来过这里
This is the diner you were brought to when you were found as a baby. 你还是婴儿时 被人捡到就是抱来这个餐馆
So you found an article about me. So what? I thought this trip was supposed to be about you. 你找到了一篇关于我的文章 那又怎样 我们出来不是听你的故事吗
It is. This is my story, and it's your story. 的确 这是我的故事 也是你的
And how is that? 怎么会
That seven-year-old boy who found you... that was me. 找到你的那个七岁大的男孩就是我