
 When I found you, you were wrapped in a blanket, and the name "Emma" was embroidered along the bottom of it. 我发现你的时候 你被裹在毯子里 你的名字艾玛就绣在底边上

That wasn't in the article, was it? 文章里没有提到这些  对吧
How would I know that unless I was there? 我要是不在场  怎么会知道这个
Okay. Let's say you were that kid. Why lie about where you found me? 好吧 就当你是那个孩子吧 为什么对找到我的地点撒谎呢
I lied to protect you. 说谎是为了保护你
From what? That. A tree? 为什么呢 那个 一棵树
You've read Henry's book, right? 你看过亨利的书了 对吗s
You know about the curse, don't you? Your role in it? 你知道诅咒 对吗 你在书里的角色
It's true, Emma. We both came into this world... through this tree. 那是真的 艾玛 我们来到这个世界都是通过这棵树
You're asking me to believe that you are a fairy tale character? Pinocchio. 你是要我相信你是童话故事里的角色吗  匹诺曹
Right. Of course, Pinocchio. Explains all the lying. 对  当然是匹诺曹 怪不得你这么爱撒谎
You're the one who added the story to Henry's book. I needed you to know the truth. 是你在亨利的书里增加了故事  我需要你了解事实
The truth is you are out of your mind, and you're not even a very good liar.Why not write the end of that story? 事实是你疯了你连谎都撒不好 为什么不给那个故事写个结局
Because this is the ending, and we're writing it right now. 因为这就是结局  我们正在书写
And how does this story end? 那这个如何结局
With you believing. 你相信一切
Not gonna happen.  不可能