
 Emma? Emma, wait. 艾玛  艾玛等等

What...is wrong...with your leg? I failed. 你的 腿 怎么了 我失败了
What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢
It doesn't matter. You don't believe. 那不重要 你也不相信
If you think that by making me feel sorry for you that something's gonna change, you are wrong.  如果你觉得让我心存内疚就会改变什么  你就错了
I am not screwing around here. 我不是在胡闹
Whatever you believe or don't, this is real, Emma. I am sick. 不管你信不信 这就是真的 艾玛 我病了
That's an understatement. 病得不轻呢
You ever been to Phuket? It's beautiful. Amazing island. 你去过普吉岛吗 很漂亮 迷人的小岛
Full of pleasures. The perfect place to lose oneself. That's where I was when you decided to stay in Storybrooke. 充满乐趣  是个令人沉醉的好地方  你决定留在童话镇的时候我就在那儿
How do you know when I decided to stay in Storybrooke? 你怎么知道我什么时候决定留在童话镇的
Because at eight fifteen in the morning, I woke up with a shooting pain in my leg. 因为早上八点十五分 我被腿部的刺痛惊醒
That's eight fifteen at night in Storybrooke. Sound familiar? 那是童话镇的晚上八点十五分 有没有觉得耳熟
That's when time there started to move forward again. 那就是童话镇的时间开始向前走的时候
I was supposed to be there for you, and I wasn't. 我本该照顾你 却没能尽职
Because I was halfway around the world, I got a painful reminder of just how far I'd strayed. 因为我在世界的另一半 这痛苦是提醒我已迷途甚远
If that tree won't make you believe, maybe this will. 如果那棵树都不能让你相信  也许这个可以