
 She knew I'd come for him. It's a trap. 她知道我会来救他 这是个陷阱

Indeed. It matters not. I can't stop now. 没错 但不重要 我不能止步于此
But I'll understand if any of you want to turn back. No!  Not a chance! 但如果你们想回去  我可以理解 不 绝不
Oh. Well, then there's no time to waste. 那我们别浪费时间了
Why is the queen doing this? 巫后为什么要这么做
I destroyed her happiness, and now she wants to destroy mine. 我毁了她的幸福 现在她想毁了我的
Leave us. What do you want? 退下 你想干什么
I suppose I see the allure. 你还真有几分魅力
I wonder if you'll be quite so incorruptible after your precious Snow is gone. 我很好奇等你心爱的白雪死了 你是否还能如此坚贞
Whatever she did to you, leave her alone and take my life instead. 无论她对你做过什么 拿我的命去抵就好  别伤害她
Oh, who said anything about taking her life? 谁说我想要她的命了
Oh, no. I have a far more satisfying brand of punishment for her. 没那么容易让她死 我还有更可心的惩罚等着她