
 So everyone's giving up. 大家都要放弃了么

I'm afraid that I don't have a choice. 我想我也没得选
I'm sorry, kid, but I'm out of Operation Cobra. Now it's up to you. 对不起孩子 我退出眼镜蛇行动 现在全靠你了
Emma, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you don't have any case for custody. 艾玛 抱歉 你根本无法赢得亨利的抚养权
Even after everything she's done? 她做那么多烂事  我也赢不了吗
Which you can't prove. 口说无凭
Let me just ask you a question. With this war raging on, who really is getting hurt here? 我问你一个问题 这次争斗中  谁会受伤
I know. Henry. But isn't it a good thing that he's spending time with me?I'm his mother. 我知道  是亨利 他现在和我一起不好吗 我是他母亲
Yes, you are, and so is Regina. 没错 你是他母亲  但是瑞金娜也是
And look, the court is gonna come in and look at him and see how he's been since you've come into his life. 法庭会派人来看他了解你回到他生活对他的影响
And he's been happier, right? 他比以前开心了   对吧
Maybe. I mean, objectively? 可能吧 客观地说
He's skipped school, he's stolen a credit card, he's run off, he'she's endangered himself, repeatedly. 他逃过学 偷过信用卡 还逃跑过 三番五次置自己与危险之中
And so in the eyes of the law, it's not so... 从法律的角度来看  这不...
What about in your eyes? What do you think? 在你看来呢  你觉得如何
I mean, a while ago, I told you to engage him in his fantasy life, andand perhaps I was wrong, 之前我让你把他留在他自己的幻想里  或许我错了
because he's only retreated further into it.  因为他越来越沉迷于幻想中
You think he's better off with her? 你觉得他和她在一起更好吗
I never said that.  我没这么说