
 If you want your son back, if you want your revenge, give it to me. 如果你想让儿子回到身边 如果你还想报仇 就给我

What's wrong? Why isn't it opening a portal? 怎么了 为什么时空大门没有开启
The magicit's not enough. Why isn't it opening a portal? 因为魔法不够强大 我们哪也去不了
Then you've failed. 那么 你失败了
Maybe not. There's enough magic to touch the other side, just not to get us there. 不一定 魔法还是能够让我们和另个世界接触 只是不能带我们过去
There might be enough to... reach through and retrieve something. 也许能让你...隔空取物
I can bring something back? 我能把东西带回来吗
Is there an object that can help you? 有什么物品能帮上忙吗
Perhaps I can open it enough and reach through and grab it. 也许我能把门开得足够大  伸手去拿
It would have to be small, something that you can take with your hand. 这东西一定要小 能用手拿过来
Is there anything like that that can help you? 有这样的东西吗
Yes. Yes, I believe there is. 有 还真有
Then you need to direct me to the time and place where this object exists. 那你得告诉我物品所在的时空方位
How? Guide the hat. 怎么做 好好想着 指引这顶帽子