英语听力精选进阶版 14099(在线收听

Lesbian custody fight in Chile


was devastated

felt very shocked or upset

awarded sole custody

given complete responsibility for looking after the children

her estranged husband

her husband, who she is no longer living with

put her personal interests before

thought about her own needs and wants before those of other people (here, her children)


young people

a same-sex household

a home where the family consists of two adults of the same sex (lesbians or gay men)

be bullied

be hurt or frightened by someone who is more powerful than you, often because you are thought to be different (for example, because of your race, gender, religion or sexuality)

could be confused about their own sexual orientation

might not be sure if they are heterosexual (attracted to people who are the opposite sex from them) or homosexual (attracted to people who are the same sex as them)

sustain long-term psychological damage

would have mental health problems for a long time

all legal avenues in Chile exhausted

all the possible ways of fighting against this in court have been tried (and were unsuccessful)
