
 Do what you're so skilled at and make yourself at home. 别客气 你不就擅长自来熟吗

I believe you came to see me. 你是来见我的吧
Right. Look, this isn't easy. 对  听着  这不容易
I think that this...Whatever is between us needs to end. 我觉得 我们之间的争斗得有个了结
At last, something we can agree on. 我们终于有一件事达成共识了
I want to make a deal with you about Henry. 关于亨利 我想和你谈个协议
I'm not making any deals with you. 我才不和你谈协议呢
I'm leaving town. What? 我要离开童话镇了 什么
This... What we're doing is a problem, and I'm gonna go, but I have conditions. 我们的争执 我们的所作所为是错的 我会离开 但是有条件
I still get to see Henry. I get to visit and spend time, whatever. 我还能来看亨利  来探望他 陪着他之类的
And you get to see him. You're still in his life. 你来看他 就始终留他的生活中
Look, in any deal, both parties are a little unhappy. 任何协议的双方都会有所遗憾
But let's be honest. 但说实话
We both know the world where I'm not in his life no longer exists, and there's no one who can do anything about that. 你我都清楚  他的生活已离不开我 这是无法改变的事实
You're right. 对