
 Where did you get that? 那是哪来的

Regina gave it to me. 瑞金娜给我的
Apple! So? You can't eat that. It's poison. 是苹果 所以呢 你不能吃 这个有毒
What? Don't you see? 什么 难道你看不出吗
The deal, it was all a trick to get you to eat that, to get rid of the savior. 那个协议 那是她让你吃下这个的诡计 彻底摆脱救世主
Henry, come on. Why would she do that when I just told her I was gonna go? 亨利 别这样 我已经告诉她 我要离开了 她为什么还要这么做呢
Because as long as you're alive, you're a threat to the curse. 只要你活着 你就能威胁到这个诅咒
Henry, you've gotta stop thinking like this. 亨利 你不能再有这样的想法了
But it's the truth! And you leaving isn't gonna change that. 但这就是事实 你离开并不能改变事实
I'll prove it to you. No! 我证明给你看 不要
Henry... What are you doing? 亨利 你在干什么
I'm sorry it had to come to this. 抱歉要走到这一步
You may not believe in the curse... Or in me. But I believe in you. 你也许不相信诅咒 也不相信我 但我相信你
See? You wanna have some ice cream with that? And then we can go back to talking about... 看吧 你想来再来点冰淇淋吗 然后我们可以继续说...
Henry? Henry? Henry?! 亨利 亨利 亨利