
 I will find you, Snow. I will always find you. 白雪 我会找到你的 我永远都能找到你

It'll be hard to do that without your head. 看你死了还怎么找
Get up. The queen is looking forward to your execution. 起来 皇后等着看你的处决呢
Get up! On your feet. Shoot him. 起来 站起来 射死他
Who the hell are you? 你是谁
A friend. I don't know you. But I know Snow White. 一个朋友 我不认识你 但我认识白雪
Is she okay? 她还好吗
The queen was traveling to meet her. Her fate is in a precarious place. 皇后正在去找她的路上 她现在生死未卜
We must hurry. Follow me. I can get you out. 我们得抓紧 跟我来 我带你出去
I'll try and stall the queen. The rest is up to you. 我去拖住皇后 剩下就看你了
Your weapon and some provisions. Good luck. 这是武器和干粮 祝你好运
You're not coming with me? 你不跟我一起去
I cannot. I gave up my heart so that the queen would spare Snow's. 我不能 我用我的心跟皇后换白雪一条命
Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Find her.  别让我白白牺牲 找到她