
 This ring is now enchanted. 这个戒指现在施了魔法

The closer you get to Snow White, the brighter it will glow. 你离白雪公主越近 它就会越亮
Interested? Give it to me. 有兴趣吗 给我
Ah! It's not something for nothing, dearie. Time to make a deal. 亲爱的 这可不是免费赠送的啊 做个交易吧
No! No more deals! 不 不再做交易了
Over here. Persistent. Had enough? Never. 这里呢 真执着 打够了吗 没有
Looking for this? So brave. So gallant. So pointless. 是要这样吗 真勇敢 真英勇 真是无用功