英语听力精选进阶版 14110(在线收听


Jacob Zuma reveals HIV status



to promote openness

to encourage people to be honest and talk freely

to eradicate

to stop or destroy something negative


feeling that something is socially unacceptable


particular disease which affects a large number of people at the same time

the focus of intense scrutiny

a lot of people are looking at his behaviour very carefully (especially to see if he has done something wrong)

having unprotected sex

having a sexual relationship with someone without using a condom to protect each person from sexually transmitted diseases

his private life is controversial

a lot of people have very strong and differing opinions about what he does outside of his public duties as president


publicly stated opinion or belief

broadly welcomed

most people thought it was a good idea

is taking a much more proactive role

is being someone who takes action by causing change (rather than only reacting to change when it happens)
