英语听力精选进阶版 14130(在线收听

Zimbabwean diamonds "still bloody"


stopped short of expelling

almost forced them to leave

turning a blind eye to


effectively condoned

in effect given its approval of

joint venture companies

business enterprises where two or more companies or organisations take part, sharing the initial investment, risks and profits

allegedly break Zimbabwean law

are accused of breaking the law. This accusation hasn't yet been proved in a court of law

reinforce a system of patronage

encourage a policy of supporting

facilitates state looting

enables or allows the government to steal (here, from the diamond mines)

a lack of transparency

there isn't enough openness and honesty about what they (the joint venture companies) are doing


moving things illegally from one country to another

fragile coalition government

weak or frail government made up of two of more political parties
