
 God,I love this song. 我爱死这首歌了

B26. B碟的第26首
What's your major? 你是什么专业的
Uh,well,I'm leaning toward english. 我倾向于英语专业
That's what I'm teaching. 我就是教那个的
Well,and I write too,but... 我也写作
So far ,it's mostly personal. 但就是自己随便写写  没发表过
Just for me. 写给自己看看
I'm impressed. 真厉害
Why? 为什么这么说
Well,I tried writing. 我以前也尝试过写作
I didn't get very far. 但没坚持下去
You're lucky. 你真幸运
If you're wrting for yourself, 为自己写作
It's pure passion. 看来你对此很有热情
Maybe you'd let me read somethin of yours. 我可以看看你的作品吗
Yeah?you'd really want to? 是吗 你真的想看吗
Yeah. 当然
You're smart,you've traveled, 你这么聪明 又爱旅行
great taste in music. 对音乐的品味也不错
Like to know more about you. 我想深入了解你