
 Can I get anyone a drink? 请问喝点什么

I’ll have a vodka soda. 给我来一杯伏特加苏打
She’s kidding. 她说笑呢
I’m gonna have a glass of the house cab. 我要一杯餐酒
Melisa? 梅丽莎
The same as my father. 和我爸爸一样
I actually will have a vodka soda. 我要一杯伏特加苏打
So I get your connection to Spencer. 看来我找到你和赛斯宾的共同点了
You both like to win. 你们都渴望胜利
Winning’s great, but if I’ve done my best, 能赢固然好 但如果我尽力了
I usually feel good about the outcome, no matter what it is. 结果如何我都能欣然接受
And Spencer? 那赛斯宾呢
Spencer needs to win. 她不达目的不罢休
Alison was always in the middle… 艾莉森总是站在中间
The center of attention. 众人关注的焦点
Have you known anyone like that? 你认识的人里有没有这样的
I usually run from those girls. 我一见到那些女孩就躲得远远的
They scare me. 她们让我害怕
Those girls? 那些女孩?
The queen bees. 社交女王蜂
You seen like a person who wouldn’t run from anyone. 我还以为你是那种谁都不怕的女生
Do you have a side? 你喜欢哪一边
Sorry? 什么
Of the bed? 床的哪一边
I kind of sleep in the middle. 我一般都睡在中间
I ,um, kind of sleep in the middle too. 我 也通常睡在中间