
 It’s all gonna be okay. I promise you. 一切都会好起来的 我保证

Everything’s gonna get back to normal. 一切都会恢复正常的
I don’t know what normal feels like anymore. 我都快忘记了正常的生活是什么样子
You’ve been missing her for a whole year. 你想念她整整一年了
You know, that’s a lot to take on. 你独自承受了太多的东西
It’s not just that. 不只是那样
I think there’s something wrong with me. 我觉得自己有些不太对劲
Honey, there’s nothing wrong with you. 亲爱的 你没有任何问题
You lost a dear friend. 你失去了一个好朋友
You need to find a way to say goodbye. 你要找一种方式向她道别
What about reaching out to the other girls? 要不你和其她姐妹聊聊吧
Have you talked to them? 你和她们聊过了吗
Have you told’em how you feel? 有没有告诉过她们你的感受
In some way, finding out Ali is really gone 在某种程度上 正是艾莉的和我们的永别
has brought us back together… 才让我们又聚到了一起
But it’s still not what it used to be. 但一切都和以前不一样了
Why? 为什么
We were friends because of Ali. 正是因为艾莉我们才变成朋友
Then use her to get close again. 那再用她拉近你们之间的关系
You guys need to find a way to say goodbye together. 你们几个该共同适应没有艾莉的生活