
 I'm wondering, is anybody else 我想问一下  还有谁

bothered by Atticus' hypocrisy at the end of the novel. 为小说结尾处阿提克斯的伪善所困扰
Well, is Mr. due process 那么  经历汤姆·罗宾逊的事后
when it comes to Tom Robinson, 当鲍勃·尤厄尔被刺伤时
then as soon as Bob Ewell gets stabbed, 他宁愿相信治安官编造的谎话
he's willing to buy into the sheriff's cover-up. 这属于正当法律程序吗
He was protecting Boo Radley. 他是在保护布·拉德利
Protecting him? 保护他
From what, the justice system? 保护他什么  免受法律制裁吗
Atticus is an officer of the court, 阿提克斯是法庭上的律师
and he's conspiring to cover up a crime. 而他却试图掩盖一项罪恶
And he's willing to let his own son take the fall 他会宁愿让自己的儿子
for something that Boo Radley did? 替布·拉德利背黑锅吗
It was a trade. 这是场交易
What was a trade? 什么交易
Mr. Ewell would have killed those kids. 尤厄尔先生可能会杀了那些孩子
Boo saved them. 布救了他们 
And Atticus was still feeling guilty over Tom Robinson, 阿提克斯还对汤姆·罗宾逊有愧疚感 
so... he offered Jem to take Boo's place, 所以  他提出让杰姆代替布受罚
almost like a sacrifice. Oh. Very noble. 算是种牺牲吧  哦  真高尚
Too bad Jem was unconscious. 可惜的是杰姆还被蒙在鼓里
You think he might have had a different opinion? 你觉得他会愿意吗
No, Jem would have said yes. 是的  杰姆会同意的
You're sure about that? 你确定吗
He was brought up right. 他自幼受良好的家庭环境熏陶