
US Fire, Police Departments Welcome China’s DJI Drones, Despite Warnings

The recent rescue of a deaf child at Fremont California was possible in part,because of the drones infrared camera that could see the child’s body at night.


This eye in the sky offers invaluable information to first responders. And it comes from DJI, a Chinese drone maker that dominates the market. The drones have become an integral part of our day-to-day operations.We use them from everything from all of our fires, no hazardous material senses to search and rescue.But buying Chinese-made technology has become more fraud.


Recently the US department of homeland security repeated warnings that Chinese made drones could transfer US data back to China,accusations that DJI denies. For the Fremont Fire Department, the warnings serve as a reminder of best practices for storing and transferring information.And so there there are ways that we can localize our data, so that it doesn’t go out.


You know there are ways we don’t have to be connected to the Internet, we don’t have to transfer things over the Internet. We can isolate our data within our system. And so we’re confident with that. About a thousand US public safety departments use drones says Romeo Durscher with DJI. The company works with these agencies to train and prepare for disasters such as the wildfires in California.

你知道有些方法我们不需要连接到互联网。我们不需要通过互联网传输东西。我们可以在系统中隔离数据。我们对此很有信心。大疆的Romeo Durscher说,大约有一千个美国公共安全部门使用无人机。该公司与这些机构合作,为加州野火等灾难进行培训和准备。

As the US has raised concerns about drones, DJI has increased the kinds of security and data controls it offers its customers. We are not in the business to control data but we want to give the tools to the operator to say how the data is being stored or processed or Transmitted.And those pieces are in Place.


Fremont fire but someday to have hazardous material sensors on its drones, to know the dangers of a situation before sending in people. And maybe one day autonomous drones will go out to a scene to take a look before first responders arrive.Drones are only going to become more important to the agency.


In the next 10 years it will be as common as seeing fire hose on the back of the engine.You’re going to have a drone in there because the intelligence gathered by a drone is you know irreplaceable now. It really has become an everyday tool in everyday technology that saves lives but has also caught up in suspicious between two tech superpowers.

