
Farmers Stuck Between Perfect Storm of Trade, Weather Issues

This is an unwelcome sight and sound on Megan Dwyer’s rural Illinois farm.Rain, more rain. It has been one of the wettest planting seasons 30 year-old Dwyer has ever experienced.We picked up another 8 tents last night and probably three or four this morning. Ideally we’d like to be done planting corn and have a good chunk of our beans in and we’re maybe five percent planted in total right now.At the end of May, Illinois farmers had about 35% of their crops Planted. A dramatic contrast to an average of 95 percent most years at the same time.Megan Dwyer is among many nationwide who have to make a decision soon, plant very late and hope it grows in time or.


Or you’ve got the preventative plan options as well where you just don’t put a crop in at all. The prevented plan option is a crop insurance claim payout, meant to help farmers deal with the loss of income due to poor planting weather. An option that is rarely used. People are trying to figure out how they’re gonna make some money this year, how they’re gonna be able to pay the bills.


Illinois farm Bureau national legislative director Adam Nielsen says the continued rainfall is creating a perfect economic storm for those already dealing with five consecutive years of negative farm Income. It would be normally a very stressful year to begin with that when you add the fact that we’re now in entering year two of a trade war and a lot of our markets are closed off to us that adds a higher level anxiety and what our members are feeling. The recent breakdown in trade negotiations between the United States and China has only added to Meghan’s Dwyer’s problems.

伊利诺斯州农业局国家立法主任亚当·尼尔森说,持续的降雨给那些已经连续5年遭受农业收入减少的人带来了经济完美风暴(经济完美风暴为术语,指造成巨大经济损失)。通常是很有压力的一年开始,事实上,我们现在进入第二年的贸易战争,我们的很多市场对我们关闭, 增加了更高层的焦虑和我们的会员感觉如此。最近中美贸易谈判的破裂只会让梅根·德怀尔的问题更加严重。

60% of our soybeans get exported, for us two-thirds of our soybeans so more than That. And our end user is China, there’s a lot of uncertainty around where this products gonna go. The rain on top of that is with the flooding and not being able to get barges and river traffic through. You know nobody can even move the product even if there was a buyer, so it’s just it’s pretty scary and uncertain times.


President Donald Trump’s promised to compensate farmers through another proposed US Department of Agriculture aid package,estimated at 16 billion dollars this year, may provide some relief for farmers. For me I don’t want it, I’d rather have markets and access to a real place to my product to go. But Dwyer like most farmers is realistically left with little choice but to accept the aid to help make ends meet, to help the farm survive to plant another day.


But with the aid comes stigma. I’ve seen several comments that farmers are just looking for welfare.We’re looking for that handout. We’re ready for the government to, you know pay for us to do this. And that’s not at all what happened.We’re doing it so we can put food on our table and have a crop and product to share with the rest of the country in the world.


But before there can be a product to share, there are needs to be clear skies and warmth to dry out Dwyers fields so she can plant.At least in the short term the weather forecast isn’t giving Dwyer much hope.

