
Gamers Are Puzzling Out New Proteins

This is a game created by University of Washington medical researchers.It’s called Fold.it. It looks like a complicated 3D puzzle game. Well, that’s because that’s exactly what it is.Fold.it is a free online computer game that anyone can play.“We challenge Fold.it players to design new proteins from scratch, using state-of-the-art software that we use here at the Institute.”Proteins are long chains of amino acids that do all kinds of important things inside the human body.“Proteins are extraordinary molecules they fold into very precise shapes and carry out complicated functions. Natural proteins have evolved to do this over billions and billions of years.”But when proteins fold in the wrong way that can lead to everything from allergies to cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease.


So to fight diseases such as these, researchers like University of Washington’s Brian Koepnick need to figure out how proteins are supposed to fold and that can stump even a supercomputer.“Protein design is a very expansive challenge. There are innumerable possibilities for design proteins and our algorithms can only explore a very very small part of that space.”“And that’s where Fold.it comes in.Gamers are asked to puzzle out how to fold proteins together to make them work correctly. The better the fold, the higher the score. Longtime players like Susan Kleinfelter can be just as good at folding proteins as the computer. “I keep a list of all the proteins that I design as I’d like to try and do different ones each time and not do the same ones over and over.But yeah every time you lose you’ll come about a folded protein that passed some test. I didn’t really go, I said: It’s never mind. It’s never mind. It’s never mind.”Koepnick says players have gotten so good.Researchers are now asking the estimated 75,000 players to create designer proteins that could treat diseases like HIV.“Right now Fold.it players are working on proteins that could be used for to treat cancer or infectious disease or a whole host of other medical and materials applications.If you’re interested in playing simply type fold dot it in your browsers and download the game.

因此,为了对抗这些疾病,像华盛顿大学的Brian Koepnick这样的研究人员需要弄清楚蛋白质是如何折叠的,即使是一台超级计算机也会被难倒。“蛋白质设计是一个非常广泛的挑战。设计蛋白质有无数的可能性,我们的算法只能探索该空间非常小的一部分。”这就到了Fold.it起作用的时候了。游戏玩家需要弄清楚如何将蛋白质折叠在一起,使它们正确运转。折叠得越好,分数就越高。像Susan Kleinfelter这样的长期玩家和电脑一样擅长折叠蛋白质。“我留了一份清单,上面列出了我设计的所有蛋白质,我想尝试每次都做不同的蛋白质,而不是一遍又一遍地做相同的蛋白质。但,是的,每次你输了,你都会得到一种通过某些测试的折叠蛋白质。我并不是非常开心,我说:没关系。没关系。没关系。”Koepnick说玩家已经玩得很好了。研究人员现在要求大约7.5万名玩家创造设计出能治疗像艾滋病等疾病的蛋白质。“现在,Fold.it玩家正在研究可用于治疗癌症或传染病的蛋白质,或大量其他医学和材料的应用。”如果你对游戏感兴趣,只需在浏览器中输入fold.it,然后下载游戏。
