英语听力精选进阶版 14755(在线收听

Job Interviews 5: 语言专家


In this programme we practise the language of interviews with Jean Dong, our language expert Simon Cuddihy and six student volunteers at the LSE.

The best way to answer interview questions is in a clear and structured 有结构的 way with a short summary 总结,摘要。How does our Business Expert Keith Dugdale structure his tip about body language? You will hear Keith's tip again in this programme.

在我们的网站上,你可以收听关于商务面试技巧的所有节目内容,同时你也可以收听来自伦敦政治经济学院的同学们参加语言挑战的节目。请登录 bbcukchina.com/learningenglish 然后点击 BBC Business Class.


In today's programme Simon and Jean invite our students to sit in our special 'Hot Seat' to practise interview skills. Think about a job you would like to do. Then imagine you are in the hot seat and answer these questions. Try to speak in English for two minutes in response to each question.

'Tell us why you would be an ideal candidate 候选人,竞聘者 for this job.'

'Can you tell me about a time when you were involved in a successful project? How was it a success and what was your role in it?'

'Can you tell me about a time when you had to persuade somebody to do something for you? What did you do to try to win them over 赢得他们的支持?'

关于 Simon Cuddihy

Simon 是一位拥有十年英语教学经验的英语语言专家。在过去的五年里,Simon的主要授课领域为高等教育中的学术英语。Simon目前在伦敦政治与经济学院任教,主教英语书写技巧。


董征多年来一直在BBC国际台担任节目制作和主持工作。她在中英商贸界也是颇有影响的一位人物。董征在英国曾先后担任过伦敦证券交易所上 市公司的中国业务总监、PLUS上市投资公司集团业务总监等。董征目前在一家中英投资贸易咨询业务公司担任总经理。


在 BBC Business Class 下集节目里,我们将开始讨论一个新话题:商务电子邮件。商务电子邮件的格式需要很正式吗?电子邮件与书信还有手机短信相比,到底和哪个更相近?请留意下期节目。
