英语听力精选进阶版 14762(在线收听

Telephone 3: 语言专家 


Being good on the telephone is about more than being a good speaker. You have to be a good listener too.

In this programme our six student volunteers discuss this challenge with Jean Dong and our language expert Simon Cuddihy. You will have the chance to listen to two telephone conversations in the programme to practise this skill.

在我们的网站上,你可以收听关于电话沟通技巧的所有节目内容,同时你也可以收听来自伦敦政治经济学院的同学们参加语言挑战的节目。请登录bbcukchina.com/learningenglish 然后点击 BBC Business Class.


Before you listen to today's programme, think about the following questions:

In Chinese, how can you tell if someone is interested in what you are saying?

How might this be the same or different in English?

关于 Simon Cuddihy

Simon 是一位拥有十年英语教学经验的英语语言专家。在过去的五年里,Simon 的主要授课领域为高等教育中的学术英语。Simon 目前在伦敦政治与经济学院任教,主教英语书写技巧。




在 BBC Business Class 下集节目中,我们将开始学习一个新话题 – 商务会议。 如果在开会时,你不同意某人的看法,是否应该说出来呢?我们的商务专家会就此话题进行讲解。
