英语听力精选进阶版 14770(在线收听

Teamwork 3: 语言专家


We have seen that in the early stages of doing a job courtesy 礼貌 can help you establish good relations with your colleagues. Do you have the language you need to make requests and to thank people for helping you in a natural way?

In this programme you will hear a clip of someone on the first day of an internship who uses some authentic phrases to get people to help her. Our language expert Simon Cuddihy practises these phrases with our regular panel of Chinese students from the LSE.

在我们的网站上你可以看到商务课堂同学们的介绍。在团队协作商务专家的页面里你还可以看到此节目录音片段的文字稿。请登录 bbcukchina.com/learningenglish 然后点击 BBC Business Class.


Think about the following questions:

Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? 

What were the differences in that country from China in what counted as polite behaviour?

Now imagine that you are on holiday in London. You have lost your way and need to ask for directions. What polite language would you use to stop people and to ask for help, and to thank them for sending you the right way?

关于 Simon Cuddihy

Simon 是一位拥有十年英语教学经验的英语语言专家。在过去的五年里,Simon 的主要授课领域为高等教育中的学术英语。Simon 目前在伦敦政治与经济学院任教,主教英语书写技巧。


董征多年来一直在BBC国际台担任节目制作和主持工作。她在中英商贸界也是颇有影响的一位人物。董征在英国曾先后担任过伦敦证券交易所上 市公司的中国业务总监、PLUS上市投资公司集团业务总监等。董征目前在一家中英投资贸易咨询业务公司担任总经理。


在 BBC Business Class 下集节目中,我们开始谈论一个让很多人畏惧的话题:商务推介演示。我们的商务专家会跟大家分享她的宝贵经验,还会谈到她认为在做推介演示时应当注意的三个重要的方面。
