英语听力精选进阶版 14786(在线收听

Politely refusing 婉言拒绝

Episode 16 - Slimy Limey 油嘴滑舌

Anna and Denise are flapping following the call from Mr Lime asking Anna out to lunch. She wants to say no, but doesn’t want to sound rude.

Her dilemma is how to turn him down politely. She finally plucks up the courage to call him, but how does he respond?

What excuse does Anna give Seb Lime for not going to lunch with him?

Anna 以什么理由拒绝了Lime 先生的午餐邀请?

Answer on the last page of the script. 答案在文字稿最后一页。

Language for politely refusing 婉言拒绝他人请求的语言

This week's programme focuses on politely refusing a request to do something.

Phrases from the programme:

Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to.


I'm afraid it’s against company policy


It wouldn't be appropriate.


With regret, I'm going to have to say no.


English at Work 白领英语 

Episode 16: Slimy Limey 油嘴滑舌 

Politely refusing  婉言拒绝 

·  关于台词的备注: 


Narrator:  大家好。 还记得上次Anna正接到Lime 先生的电话,请她吃午饭。现在Anna正和

Denise 说起这件事儿呢。 

Denise:  ...and before you know it, he'll be asking you to marry him! Trust me Anna, 

this has happened to me dozens of times! 

Anna:  But I thought he was only interested in the lemons! Please promise me you 

won’t mention this to anyone. 

Denise:  OK, I promise. 

Anna:  Oh, shhhh! 

Tom:  Good morning ladies. What's going on? 

Denise:  Mr Lime has asked Anna to lunch! 

Anna:  Please- 

Tom:  And? 

Denise:   And it's not to talk business! I saw him looking at her with big eyes, from 

the moment he first saw her! 

Anna:  Denise! 

Tom:  Old Slimy Limey eh? Lucky Anna! 

Anna:  He's not slimy, it's just- 

Tom:  Don't tell me you said yes? 

Anna:  Well I didn't know what to say. 

Tom:  You didn't? 

Anna:  No, no, I said I was busy and would call back. I wanted to just say no, but 

with everyone complaining that I'm not polite on the phone... I just... I 

didn't know how to say it politely.  

Tom:  Ha ha, alright, I'll tell you what to say. 

Anna:  Hang on, let me write it down... why do all the pens keep disappearing? 

Denise:  Here's one. 

Anna:  Thanks. Okay, I'm listening Tom. 

Tom:  Say: go...  

Anna:   (writing) go... 

Tom:   ...away... Slimy Limey. 

Anna:   Go away Slimy Limey – are you sure? 

Tom:   Of course! 

Denise:  Don't listen to him Anna. This is what you say: 

 Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. 

   Then explain why, say I'm afraid.. blah blah blah 

Anna:  Blah blah blah? 

Denise:  Say it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with clients. 

Anna:  Meaning?  

Denise:  You're not allowed to if it's not for business. Then say: 

  It wouldn't be appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to have to say no. 

Anna:  Okay, I think I've got that all down. Thanks. He'll be waiting for my call.  

      (dials number) 

Mr Lime:  Hello, Seb Lime speaking.  

Anna:  Hello Mr Lime. 

Mr Lime:  Anna! Please, call me Seb. So, when can I invite you to lunch? 

Denise:  Thank you for your offer... 

Anna:  Well, thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. 

Mr Lime:  Oh? 

Denise:  I'm afraid... 

Anna:  I'm afraid it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with 


Mr Lime:  Really? Oh how tedious! 

Denise:  It wouldn't be- 

Anna:  Shhh! 

Mr Lime:  Pardon? 

Anna:  No, not shhh you Mr Slimy I meant shhhh Denise! 

Mr Lime:  Mr Slimy? 

Anna:   Oh no! I mean Mr Limey – Lime – er Seb! You see, it wouldn't be 

appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to have to say no. 

Mr Lime:  I think I've understood. Goodbye Anna. 

Anna:  Goodbye. 

Narrator:  哎呀,他听起来挺不高兴的。不过除了一个小错误,Anna 的表现倒是很不错。以下是

Anna 回绝午餐邀请用到的一些短语:  

  Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. 


   I'm afraid it’s against company policy 


   It wouldn't be appropriate.  


   With regret, I'm going to have to say no. 


     Good job Anna, bad luck Mr Slimy.  

 Anna 做的不错。Mr 油腔滑调可是不走运啊! 

·  听力挑战 

What excuse does Anna give Seb Lime for not going to lunch with him? 

Anna 以什么理由拒绝了Lime 先生的午餐邀请? 

Answer: Anna says it's against company policy. 

答案:Anna 说公司政策不允许。 
