英语听力精选进阶版 14803(在线收听

English at Work 

Episode 21: Don’t panic! 

Language for asking for help 


Narrator:  Hello, welcome back to Tip Top Trading where everyone is gossiping about 

Paul’s announcement that Anna is to lead the company’s new stock 

management system for the new laser-curved fruit.   

(Denise on phone) 

Denise:  Yes Anna…the new girl…she’s done really well although I don’t know what 

experience she’s got….anyway, about the hairdresser you mentioned, oh I 

loved his aftershave… 

Tom:  I can’t understand it. I’ve got all the experience and all the ideas…she’s 

just such a… 

Anna:   Tom. Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to check you’re ok with me leading 

this strategy for stock management. 

Tom:  Oh of course not. You deserve it. 

Narrator:  That was a nice touch Anna. 

Anna:   But Tom, now you must help me.  

Tom:  Eh?! 

Narrator:  Anna! That’s not the best way to ask for help.  Remember what I’ve always 

told you about politeness? 

Anna:  Be polite – yes you keep telling me that.  

Narrator:  And if you want someone to help you, ask them, don’t tell them – even if it 

is Tom!  

Anna:  Oh right.  I’m in a bit of a panic. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know 

where to begin.  

Narrator:  Well start by asking your colleagues for help like this: 

   I would be most grateful if you could give me some help 

  Please could I ask you for some advice? 

  I know you’re busy but could you spare me a few minutes of your time 


  Go on, give it a try! 

Anna:   Right, thanks. I'll try. Erm, excuse me Tom. Sorry about earlier. I’m a little 

nervous about leading this strategy thing and I would be most grateful if 

you could give me some help….please?  

Tom:  Of course Anna. Why didn’t you say, I’d be delighted. I’ve lost count of the 

number of projects I’ve lead over the years. 

Anna:  Great, thanks. So…where do you think I should begin? 

Tom:  Give me a few minutes and I’ll find some of the excellent work I did last 

year.  You’ll just need to copy it really. Hold on… 

Paul:  Ah Anna…just popping out for some biscuits….err, how’s the stock 

management strategy coming along? 

Anna:  Oh very good Paul….actually, please could I ask you for some advice? 

Paul:  Yes of course….although I don’t know if I’ll be much use! 

Tom:  …now where did I save those damn documents?… 

Anna:  I’m very grateful for this opportunity but I’m a little unsure of where to 

start. Tom is looking for some his old work but… 

Paul:  Really?! To be honest, this isn’t Tom’s speciality. At a time like this I would 

ask Denise. 

Anna:  Denise!? 

Paul:  Yes…she may only be the office assistant but she always has words of 

wisdom.  Right…custard creams of chocolate digestives? 

Anna:  What? 

Paul:  Biscuits? 

Anna:  Oh…custard creams please.  Err, Denise, I know you’re busy but could you 

spare a few minutes of your time please? 

Denise:  Of course Anna, always happy to help you.  

Anna:   Well you know the stock management control system? 

Denise:  The one you’ve now got to work out…well done for getting that! 

Anna:  Thanks. I really don’t know where to begin. It was OK writing it down for 

Paul but how do I put it in to practice? There’s just too much to do! 

Denise:   Calm down Anna. You’ll be fine. The first thing you need to do is to look at 

our current system.  

Anna:  Look at our current system. How do I do that? 

Denise:  Easy! Just take the lift down to the warehouse and speak to Mr Ingle and 

then write down what you find – and draw up an action plan of tasks you 

need to do – like a shopping list – I’m very good at those.  

Anna:  Go and see Mr Ingle? Oh do I have to. 

Denise:  He’s ok really Anna. If you approach him in the right way he won’t bite 

your head off! 

Anna:  What? Bite my head off! Oh…well, if he won’t bite me…then I suppose I 

should go and see him. Thanks for your advice Denise, I could kiss you. 

Right, I’m going to go and see him right now.  

Narrator:  Make an action plan! A good idea. Well done Denise, you’re smarter than 

you look!  And well done Anna, you eventually got the help you needed by 

using these phrases: 

  I would be most grateful if you could give me some help 

  Please could I ask you for some advice? 

  I know you’re busy but could you spare me a few minutes of your time 


  Remember, if you’re stuck for ideas just ask for help…but maybe not Tom, 

I wonder how he’s getting on? 

Tom:  (shouting across room) Here Anna, I’ve got them.  Look, all my ideas from 

my last stock control project…pages and pages of them.  Just copy these, 

they’re brilliant. Anna? Anna! 

Paul:  …too late, I’ve just seen her in the lift. Fancy a custard cream Tom? 

Narrator:  So Anna is off to speak to the prickly Mr Ingle. Let’s hope she uses those 

phrases to ask for help, otherwise she might get her head bitten off – and 

it could get very messy!  See you next time. 

Listening challenge: 

What does Denise advise Anna to do first when planning the stock management 


(Answer: To look at the current system) 
